Updated: Innovation Fund grant helps to extend Tor Support’s counselling service in Mid Devon
The Devon Mental Health Alliance Innovation Fund has been awarded to Tor Support Services by our Community Mental Health Development Leads in Exeter, East & Mid Devon.
Anna Tooth, a trustee at TOR Support Services, commented:
“Tor Support Services are delighted to have recently been awarded a grant from the DMHA Innovation Fund. The charity provides free, confidential counselling and psychotherapy services to children and young people (up to the age of 25) in crisis who live in and around Okehampton, Devon.
This grant will be used towards the installation costs of telecoms fibre cabling at our Okehampton base. These essential works have resulted in faster and more reliable phone and broadband services to clients, allowing the charity to continue offering online counselling sessions to those who may not be able to attend face-to-face sessions for a variety of reasons.””
You can read more about Tor Support Services on their website: torsupport.org.uk.
Update December 2023:
Anna-Marie, one of the Trustees at Tor Support Services, has provided the following update:
“[Thanks to the grant from the Devon Mental Health Alliance,] The installation of the cabling and, therefore, the broadband and landline connection, has made a huge positive impact within our office. We were originally using a router that worked off 4G strength, which we regularly didn’t get in our location, and had no landline option.
The now much quicker, more robust internet access and landline enable us to work and communicate with clients more efficiently. We are now able to offer online sessions to young people too, something we weren’t able to do previously.”