The 5th Plymouth Mental Health Collective Event

Many thanks as always to our guest speakers, all 60 attendees and everyone who supported our fantastic 5th event held at the iconic Devonport Guildhall, a venue which is starting to feel like our home.

Our day started by hearing from Professor Richard Byng and Rachel Rule about the 3-Lens Model, introducing the theory and then detailing Rachel’s learning so far from the Mental Health Test & Learn Pilot.

After a Q&A session, Nicky Nurrish of Marbles Lost and Found shared community members’ insights and views about mental health support in Plymouth, the current struggles faced by users of mental health services and how Marbles Lost and Found was born from her own experiences.

Following Nicky, Dr. Sarah Harvey & Dr. Cat Miscampbell enlightened attendees about modern psychiatric approaches, exploring the efficacy and limitations of SSRI’s and last but by no means least, Karen Pilkington showcased what’s happening at the Village Hub in Stoke, Belong in Plymouth, and even had most of us moving!

We are extremely grateful to Devon Mental Health Alliance for making it possible for us to hold this event and also thankful to all our PMHC supporters; Improving Lives, Four Greens Community Trust, Trauma Informed Plymouth Network, Devon Mind, Real Ideas and also Morrisons for the catering.

This is what we need more of, those open conversations, collaborations, sharing of ideas and feedback, but most of all working together to make those changes that really do help those touched by mental health and help people to go forward in life!
— Nicky Nurrish

We are hoping to publish our website shortly and please use if you would like to contact us. Follow us on social media and sign up to our newsletter to be the first to find out the date of our next event! – Larissa Milden, Si Parham and Tracy Stimpson


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