News & Features
The latest updates and insights from the Devon Mental Health Alliance

Check out Marbles Lost and Found for mental health advice, guidance, and resources
We’re championing the growing repository of mental health information, advice, and guidance.

Encouraging careers in the mental health sector at the University of Exeter
Ed and Sarah attended the University of Exeter’s Casual Jobs and Internships Fair on behalf of Step One Charity and the Alliance.

Alliance and CoLab host successful engagement event at Exeter City Football Club
Over 60 people from organisations across Exeter joined to discuss mental health provision for people in the city.

Video: Shekinah Grow welcomes local wellbeing practitioners for Paignton community day
The engagement and networking day was also attended by Torbay MP Kevin Foster and others from the area.

Tiverton residents discuss mental health service needs at networking event
The Alliance hosted more than 20 people from statutory and voluntary organisations to discuss local service needs.

Alliance features on DPT mental health framework webinar — watch now
Several members of the Alliance spoke to DPT staff about the VCSE partnership’s progress on its mission to date.

Grant award opportunities for VCSE organisations in Devon
If you work for a VCSE organisation in Devon, you could apply for a grant from £500 to £3,000.

We’re looking for feedback about the provision of crisis cafés in Devon
Help us improve crisis café provision across Devon’s communities by completing a survey on the current setup.

Join us in Paignton for a community engagement and networking day
Find out more and have your say on plans to improve mental health support services across Torbay and South Devon.

Qwell service launches across Devon
The new safe online space for adults includes self-help articles, forums, and discussion boards that are moderated by qualified practitioners.

Working in partnership with the Chestnut Appeal for men’s health
The Chestnut Appeal provides care for men in Devon living with prostate cancer, testicular cancer, or penile cancer.

Announcing our official launch!
The Alliance has officially launched and we’re ready to work together for better mental health across Devon.

The Devon Mental Health Alliance: What is it and how will it work?
A bit of background on how the Alliance will work within Devon’s mental health system.