News & Features
The latest updates and insights from the Devon Mental Health Alliance

Join our next co-production online workshop on Wednesday 11th January 2023
This new process of listening and action will ensure that the voices of relevant individuals and community partners directly inform the work we do.

New Recovery Practitioners benefit from bespoke training to better meet mental health needs
Our team received training from Recovery Devon, a community interest company at the forefront of the recovery movement in mental health.

One Devon launches Outreach COVID-19 Vaccination Fund for local VCSE organisations
Grants are available up to £10,000 for organisations delivering activities with vulnerable communities to help increase uptake of COVID vaccinations.

Wis£rmoney providing money and debt advice to people living across Devon
The partnership between charities Navigate, Encompass South West, and Mind in Somerset provides financial advice for those living in ruralised communities across Devon and Somerset.

Social prescriber networking event for Torbay and South Devon — book your place now
Those working in a social prescriber or related capacity in Devon are invited to join us at Shekinah’s Endeavour House next Wednesday.

Discussing bipolar disorder with Bipolar UK at the Houses of Parliament
One of our Community Development Leads recently attended an event hosted by Bipolar UK, all about bipolar disorder.

Participate in our co-production introduction workshop on Tuesday 6th December
This new process of listening and action will ensure that the voices of relevant individuals and community partners directly inform the work we do.

Real Life Psychology’s Brain Gym: A model to help understand and regulate emotions
Two of our Community Development Leads recently attended training for a new psychological model introducing practical tools to help support emotional regulation in others.

Reflections on violence against men and boys from the Male Survivors National Conference
Members of the Alliance were honoured to attend the annual conference hosted by First Light, Operation Emotion, and moMENtum recently.

An example of how our Recovery Practitioners help with more than just mental health
Today we’re celebrating the work of Jannine, one of our Recovery Practitioners, who has helped a service user avoid more anxiety by helping with some important tasks.

Announcing the Devon Mental Health Alliance Innovation Fund
Your organisation could qualify for a grant of up to £800 to help you support people across Devon with mental health or other needs.

Presenting a challenge to MBA students at the University of Exeter
We recently presented a challenge to Exeter MBA students regarding funding in the VCSE sector.

Celebrating the work of one of our Mental Health Recovery Practitioners
Sarah has helped numerous people in the South Devon locality already with 1:1 and group interventions.

Check out Marbles Lost and Found for mental health advice, guidance, and resources
We’re championing the growing repository of mental health information, advice, and guidance.

Encouraging careers in the mental health sector at the University of Exeter
Ed and Sarah attended the University of Exeter’s Casual Jobs and Internships Fair on behalf of Step One Charity and the Alliance.

Alliance and CoLab host successful engagement event at Exeter City Football Club
Over 60 people from organisations across Exeter joined to discuss mental health provision for people in the city.

Video: Shekinah Grow welcomes local wellbeing practitioners for Paignton community day
The engagement and networking day was also attended by Torbay MP Kevin Foster and others from the area.

Tiverton residents discuss mental health service needs at networking event
The Alliance hosted more than 20 people from statutory and voluntary organisations to discuss local service needs.

Alliance features on DPT mental health framework webinar — watch now
Several members of the Alliance spoke to DPT staff about the VCSE partnership’s progress on its mission to date.

Grant award opportunities for VCSE organisations in Devon
If you work for a VCSE organisation in Devon, you could apply for a grant from £500 to £3,000.