Livemind - a mindfulness-based course offered by The AccEPT Clinic

LiveMind is a four-session mindfulness-based course, offered by the AccEPT Clinic, aimed at people who have experienced mental health difficulties in the past and are looking to manage and maintain their wellbeing.  Adapted from 8-week evidence-based mindfulness programmes, this course aims to be more accessible for people who are interested in learning some mindfulness practices to support wellbeing, or for those who are unsure about committing to a longer course.  It is a light touch introduction into Mindfulness.  

Suitable for people who have experienced more enduring and recurrent depression and anxiety and/or severe and mental illness who are later in their recovery journey. This treatment is for those who are currently not presenting with disabling symptoms of ill mental health but show declining levels of wellbeing and functioning. This may include people who have sufficiently stable symptoms and have been discharged from secondary care, or who were historically held in secondary care services but now held by General Practitioners (GP) and have a stable presentation of symptoms.

Please follow this link and select the Recovery and Resilience dropdown.

Future group date are as follows:

Thursday 26th September (for 4 consecutive weeks) 12 - 1.30pm - In person group held at the University of Exeter

Thursday, 14th November (for 4 consecutive weeks) 10 - 11.30pm - online via Zoom

January 2025 - Tuesday evening group dates to be confirmed soon.


Art - Confidence and Creativity


Live Longer Better