Tie-Dying at Exeter Craft Group!
The Exeter Craft Group has been growing from strength to strength since it started back in May 2024. The group is flourishing with its regular participants, and we continue to get newcomers on a weekly basis. It’s wonderful to watch the group grow and the connections and friendships that have been built within the group. We now also have 4 keen volunteers to lead the group from April and they are all looking forward to sharing their skills.
The craft group now has a planned activity once a month so participants can try something new, and we encourage the group to share ideas and help plan the activities. In January, the activity we decided on was tie-dye! It was a very busy and creative session! We provided tote bags and encouraged participants to bring items of clothing if they wished to see what we could create. Fun was had by all, and the results were amazing!
“ It’s been a pleasure to help support and grow the group, and witness the happiness and laughter it brings to those who perhaps felt alone and isolated, but now they have a sense of community and a place within our friendly group.””