We are back!!! The Festival of Human Connection III

When: Friday 9th May 2025 – Start Time 10:00 am - 5pm (Arrival from 9)

Where: Buckfast Abbey (Schiller Hall Conference Centre)

The Conference Centre car park is separate to the main Buckfast Abbey car park, please click on the following link for directions: Click Here.

Lunch provided

The festival is an opportunity to share skills and ideas on common concerns of mental health and wellbeing of people in South Devon.  It is a coming together of voluntary and statuary colleagues and people who have or are accessing the services with a theme this time, of ‘being human’, how the non-human and more than human world around us can nurture the ecology within ourselves, mind, body and spiritual, initiating a ‘new path to mental health’.

 Some of the themes of the day:

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • What is being a human – considering healthy human – spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing

  • Community Groups – Peer Support -Power Threat Meaning Framework

  • How what we eat and how we prepare can positively or negatively affect our feelings- considering how emotional distress may create or exacerbate disordered eating.


A Free  4-Week Yoga Journey for Anxiety & Depression in Torbay. 


Tie-Dying at Exeter Craft Group!